The following are the
State Mandated Nutritional Requirements
for Each Meal
(these values represent 1/3 of the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended daily allowances for an older adult)
Calories at least 660
Fat less than 30%
less than 10% Saturated Fat
Protein at least 30 gm.
Dietary Fiber at least 9 mg.
Calcium at least 330 mg.
Vitamin A (RAE) at least 300 mg.
Vitamin B6 at least .06 mg
Vitamin B12 at least .8 mcg
Vitamin C at least 30 mg.
Vitamin D at least 3 ug.
Potassium at least 1,133 mg.
Sodium less than 1,400 mg.
Added sugars less than 17 gm.
A great deal of effort is made to ensure that the meals served each day fall within these guidelines, are varied, and are still pleasing to our clientele. We submit our proposed monthly meal plan each month for review, comment and approval by a registered dietitian.