Our services are provided with the provisions of the Older Americans Act. This means that we are here to serve ALL people who have reached their 60th year (and their spouses). We do not discriminate based on national origin, race, religion, sex, weight, height, hair color, physical or mental limitations, or income.
Dining Room: Meals are served weekdays at noon for 1 hour or until food runs out, whichever happens first (Holidays excluded). The suggested contribution for these meals is $5.00. The center is required to serve meals 260 days a year, so periodically there will be a Saturday breakfast scheduled. ANYONE who have reached their 60th birthday (and their spouses) are eligible for these meals. See our current menu by clicking this link.
Home Delivered Meals: Home delivered meals are available to those who have reached their 60th birthday and demonstrate a need for this service. The suggested contribution for this service is $5.00 per meal. Contact the center office (883-2678) for more details.
Van Service: The center has a van that is wheel chair accessible. The van is used locally to transport clients to the center or to appointments. Currently, we have only one driver who must be back to the center by 2 PM, so requests for van service must conform to that time constraint. In order to make use of these services, it is necessary to call the center (883-2678) to make an appointment at least by the day prior to the scheduled trip.
Notifying the Public of Rights under Title VI
WYDOT operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations, to file a complaint,
or to request this information in another language, please contact us at WYDOT Title VI Coordinator, 5300 Bishop
Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82009; (307) 777-4457; or email: [email protected] .
Foot Care Clinic -- A Podiatrist is scheduled to visit the center every 6-8 weeks. Watch the Independent, this site, and the Thayne Senior Center newsletter for these dates. Some of these services may require payment of fees.
Loan Closet: There are various health care appliances available for loan from the center. If the item you wish is available, we will loan it to you at no cost. There are crutches, walkers, toilet lifts, etc. available.
Library: We have an eclectic collection of books, and books-on-tape that are available for loan. There are no restrictions on length of loan or number of items loaned.
Exercise Classes: We have a variety of classes available. Currently we are offering zumba, tai chi, and bingocize (winter only).
The center also offers many activities, such as card games, BINGO, field trips, crafts, and other classes.
Dining Room: Meals are served weekdays at noon for 1 hour or until food runs out, whichever happens first (Holidays excluded). The suggested contribution for these meals is $5.00. The center is required to serve meals 260 days a year, so periodically there will be a Saturday breakfast scheduled. ANYONE who have reached their 60th birthday (and their spouses) are eligible for these meals. See our current menu by clicking this link.
Home Delivered Meals: Home delivered meals are available to those who have reached their 60th birthday and demonstrate a need for this service. The suggested contribution for this service is $5.00 per meal. Contact the center office (883-2678) for more details.
Van Service: The center has a van that is wheel chair accessible. The van is used locally to transport clients to the center or to appointments. Currently, we have only one driver who must be back to the center by 2 PM, so requests for van service must conform to that time constraint. In order to make use of these services, it is necessary to call the center (883-2678) to make an appointment at least by the day prior to the scheduled trip.
Notifying the Public of Rights under Title VI
WYDOT operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. To find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations, to file a complaint,
or to request this information in another language, please contact us at WYDOT Title VI Coordinator, 5300 Bishop
Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82009; (307) 777-4457; or email: [email protected] .
Foot Care Clinic -- A Podiatrist is scheduled to visit the center every 6-8 weeks. Watch the Independent, this site, and the Thayne Senior Center newsletter for these dates. Some of these services may require payment of fees.
Loan Closet: There are various health care appliances available for loan from the center. If the item you wish is available, we will loan it to you at no cost. There are crutches, walkers, toilet lifts, etc. available.
Library: We have an eclectic collection of books, and books-on-tape that are available for loan. There are no restrictions on length of loan or number of items loaned.
Exercise Classes: We have a variety of classes available. Currently we are offering zumba, tai chi, and bingocize (winter only).
The center also offers many activities, such as card games, BINGO, field trips, crafts, and other classes.